VPRO-E NEWS: Meet Charlotte McVey: Born at exactly 12.12pm on 12/12/12

This adorable baby might just be the luckiest little girl in the world.

Tiny Charlotte McVey was welcomed into the world at exactly 12.12pm on 12. 12. 12.

Many cultures believe that a baby born on the auspicious date will go on to lead a life of prosperity.

Astrologers claim the qualities of the planet Jupiter will be bestowed on babies born on or after 12.12pm on the date, meaning baby Charlotte should look forward to a life filled with good luck.

Her father Jay McVey admitted he was clock-watching as his partner Emma Gerrard went into theatre to have a Caesarean section performed, and the 32-year-old compared holding his first child with ‘lifting the World Cup’.

Charlotte’s mother said the procedure at Whiston Hospital on Merseyside had been planned in advance, but not because of the lucky date.

‘I only discovered she had been born at 12 minutes past 12 shortly after when Jay told me,’ she said.

‘When we were waiting to go in we were joking about Charlotte being born at 12.12pm but never thought it would happen in a million years. Charlotte’s a little superstar already,’ she added.

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